FIRST THOUGH, SOME PICTURES FROM EARLY FEBRUARY. Pardon me, i'm typing while i hold Emmett. He's kicking ny arm. Here is a common sight in our house...

The blissful moments of a nap...

One of our many big snowfalls this winter.

And now for Emmett's first birthday. Here are 2 small cakes from Scratch Bakery in South Portland. Mmmm.

Our friends the Ostwalds threw a party for Emmett. Here is the cupcake tower. Claire and Maddie made and decorated the cupcakes.

Here's Ann and Emmett with Nicola, Emily, Alex, and Claire.

Emmett experiences his first cupcake. Check out the rats nest hair.

Ann, Alex, Claire, Emily, Dodie, Kathi (standing), Gail and Jeanne. What a great crew! And Emmett in the center.

A bath mitt puppet.

Chewing bubbles.